Articles on: NationsGlory : Introduction

Contact us

Contact Us

NationsGlory offers several communication channels to ensure assistance for all your issues.


To create a support ticket, you need to visit the Nationsglory website ( Then, you can interact with an operator by clicking on the conversation bubble at the bottom right of your screen.
Conversation Bubble

To help you better, we ask you to provide us with maximum information about your problem.

⚠ For the following issues, it is mandatory to go through a support ticket:
Unban request (It's no longer possible to reduce the duration of a temporary ban. It must be completed until the end)
Issues regarding the store.



You can find:
A support assistance channel.
A channel dedicated to announcements.
A channel for each server.
Channels where UN meetings take place.
A tavern for community discussions.

In-Game Assistance

An in-game assistance feature is also available for all gameplay-related questions. It is managed by the server moderation.

JAVA Assistance

Other Networks

You can also follow NationsGlory news on:

Updated on: 22/03/2024

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