Articles on: NationsGlory : Introduction

How to download the JAVA launcher ?

To play NationsGlory, it's quite simple. Go to the website, click on the "play for free" button, select your platform, and click on "download the launcher"!

Attention, if you're playing on LINUX, there are a few additional steps!

To make our launcher work, you'll need OpenSSL. Depending on your Linux distribution, here are the commands to enter in your terminal:

wget && sudo dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.0g-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb

Start the installation:

0: Open the terminal
1: Place the NationsGlory.tar.gz archive in a folder and enter the command tar -xvf NationsGlory.tar.gz to decompress the archive (in the respective folder). (If the command doesn't work, try right-clicking on the archive, then extract).
2: Go to the created folder and run the script in a terminal. To do this, open the terminal, execute the command cd FolderNationsGlory and then ./
3: The NationsGlory application should now be available in the list of applications on your desktop. If not, proceed to step 4.
4: If the application is not available, copy the file 'NationsGlory' or 'NationsGlory.desktop' and place it in the folder of your choice. This is the shortcut to use to launch the launcher.

Note: Our support is limited on Linux. In case of any issues, we encourage you to seek community help on our Discord. Thanks to In_The_Nether for their assistance.

Updated on: 01/08/2024

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