Articles on: The machines

Solar Wafers

Solar Wafers

Basic Wafers, Advanced Wafers, and Blue Solar Wafers are three components necessary for manufacturing various machines. To do this, you will need a circuit fabricator. This machine operates on electricity and requires 5 kilowatts. Here is what a circuit fabricator looks like:

Circuit Fabricator

Basic Wafer | Advanced Wafer | Blue Solar Wafer |
--- | --- | --- |
1 diamond, 2 raw silicon, 1 redstone, and 1 redstone torch. | 1 diamond, 2 raw silicon, 1 redstone, and 1 redstone repeater. | 1 diamond, 2 raw silicon, 1 redstone, and 1 lapis lazuli. |
Basic Wafer | Advanced Wafer | Blue Solar Wafer |

Note: Silicon is an ore available in the world.

Updated on: 25/03/2024

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