The Empire
Upgrading Your Country to Empire Status
Your country must have reached the "General - 11" milestone in R&D.
Once this condition is met, the transition to Empire status is not automatic. The country's leader has a button on the Home page of the country interface, allowing them to change the country's status to Empire. The same button also allows for the removal of Empire status if the leader no longer wishes to be part of it. A 7-day delay applies between two status changes.
✅ Advantages of an Empire
The advantages include:
Ability to colonize countries (with colonization tax)
Immunity to colonization by other Empires
Bonus to rankings on military score
Attention, however, an Empire is more exposed to wars, as any Empire can initiate a war against another Empire with the reason "Rivalry between Empires".
🏳️ Colonies
Empires can request to colonize a country (non-Empire) that has a lower country level than theirs (an Empire of level 62 cannot colonize a country of level 66 but can colonize a country of level 60).
The Empire can then set a colonization tax, which must be paid weekly by the colony (colonized country), in exchange for protection or not. If the colony cannot pay its weekly tax, then all players in the country lose 3 power points.
An Empire can make a colonization request every 7 days.
"General" Milestone | Maximum Number of Colonies |
12 | 2 |
13 | 3 |
14 | 5 |
15 | 8 |
When a country rejects a colonization request, the Empire has a war reason for "Refusal of Colonization" for 7 days. Similarly, when a colony regains its independence (it returns its Empire to neutral status), the Empire has a war reason for "Independence War" for 7 days.
Also, if a country declares war on a colony, its colonizing Empire has the right to declare war on the country attacking its colony. Note that this rule does not apply if the colony declares war on another country.
Finally, if a colony has a country level higher than that of its colonizing empire, the colony relationship is automatically severed, and the country regains its independence, without a war reason.
Here are the commands for managing colonies:
/f colony [country]: requests colonization of a country.
/f colony [country] accept: accepts a colonization request.
/f neutral [country]: releases a colony or frees oneself from the Empire.
/f colonytax [country] [amount]: sets a weekly tax that the colony must pay, up to 1.5% of the colony's rankings per country level (maximum limit of 80%); the tax resets every week after distribution.
/f colonysalary [country] [amount]: sets the weekly salary that the colony receives.
Updated on: 22/03/2024
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